LIVE Norwegian Lash Festival

Hold on for the first LIVE event of Norwegian Lash Festival! 

Please read description for each category!

The live event will be hold at Torp Conference center 6th of September 2025! 


JUNIOR: Under 4 years experience

MASTER: Over 4 years experience

PRO: Previous winners, academy holders, trainers, or judges no matter years of experience


Early bird tickets are available until 15th of March and we close the registration at 1st of may! 

One ticket will give you one entry in one class. Ticket price 1200NOK (earlybird) and after 15th of March the price is increased to 1600NOK.





Timeline and program of the day will soon be published. BUT! You can enter all categories, they will NOT be at the same time!



Torp Hotel code: Norwegian Lash Festival for booking between 5-7 september

Hotel Kong Karl: Hotel Kong Karl Reservation code: 2081631 for booking between 5-7 september

The competition takes place in short distance to hotels, Torp airport and train station. There is a lot of FREE parking outside the Conference centre. 


All perticipants must bring their own beds and lights - we prowide chairs and table - if its hard for you to bring your own, please be in touch for arrangement! All equipment to perform the competition must be brought by yourself, such as lashes, tweezers, glue etc. All perticipants must brigng their own models or take a look at our modelpage to find a local model! MODEL GROUP!


INCLUDED in your entry ticket: Cofee, tea, water - other mineral waters and sodas you can by in place. Foods and snack for the day you must bring with you. All perticipants will get a sertificate. All works will be evaluated anonymously and you will get your scoresheets. 


AFTERPARTY: Information will come!


JUDGES: Will soon be published! 


SPONSORS: Will soon be published!


STANDHOLDERS: If you want a ministand (2x3m) on our event to sell or promote your products or brand the cost is 2000NOK +  VAT (MVA) for the wholde day including tables, the rest you must bring your own.