If you want to be our sponsor, please send an email to norwegianlashfestival@gmail.com providing logo, short description, links so website, sosial media and what kind of sponsor agrrement you want. 




Mini sponsor: 20x smaal gifts for winners - you will get logo on all perticipants certificates, logo advertizing in sosial media 1 time, digital certificate and sponsor trophy. (no fee)


Midi sponsor: 20x medium gifts for winners + 3000nok - you will get logo on all perticipants certificates, logo advertizing in sosial media 5times, products adverticing one time and the right to invite 2 perticipants for free + digital certificate and sponsor trophy. (no fee)


Max sponor:  20X big gifts for winners + 5000nok - you will get logo on all perticipants certificates, logo and products adverticing no limit and the right to invite 4 perticipants for free + digital certificate and sponsor trophy. (no fee)


The registration fee are non-refoundable

Sponsor gifts must be sent by 1st of august to:

BeautyLooks Academy&Clinic V\Andrea Elise Hemmingsen Gangså, Snorreveien 23, Sandefjord, Vestfold\Norway